Sustainability should not limit only to humans. Every living being is entitled to sustainable well-being. Hopefully, Tesla understands this fact. From now on, the US automaker will not use leather in the interior components of its cars. In fact, Tesla goes leather free for its Model 3 car following its announcement of ditching leather on Twitter. Also, its upcoming 2020 Model Y will feature no leather.

Here is the official tweet from Tesla itself.

Instead of animal leather, Tesla will use synthetic leather. Interiors like the car seat and steering wheel will not use the traditional leather.

The ditching of leather is the result of a partnership between PETA and Tesla. Both have been working together on making synthetic leather. There have been many campaigns urging top automakers of the world to stop using leather products in their cars.

The electric car maker also continues to improve its machines. Recently, Tesla rolled out an update to improve adaptive suspension on Model S and Model X. Overall, it’s moving towards making Tesla cars sustainable on a complete note.

Now that Tesla goes leather-free, we may expect other carmakers to follow the same route. Everyone deserves a sustainable life. They may be humans or animals. besides, there are good alternatives like synthetic leather available in the market. So, we can expect customers to understand and adopt this change.