In today’s date, having a high-end car is an expensive affair. Besides, if we look at the emotional aspect, a car is always the pet of the owner. So, the last thing a car owner would want to see is a burglar breaking into his beautiful car. Unfortunately, car break-in and burglary issues keep happening worldwide. Many times the culprit escapes as there is no proof or recording of break-in incidents.

However, when it comes to Tesla car, the company is ten steps ahead of the burglars. To protect the cars from thieves Tesla has introduced the concept of sentry mode. In this post, we will know what is Tesla Sentry Mode, how it works and how do we enable it.

Needless to say, Tesla’s machines are one of a kind. They pack the best technology possible. Heck, these cars can drive themselves. The automaker keeps integrating new features with every software update. Among everything else, Tesla also gives primary importance to the security of its cars. Sentry mode is just the technology which sets the Tesla cars different from any other automaker out there. Tesla introduced this feature in early 2019. It is compatible with all Model 3, Model S and Model X produced after August 2017.

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Tesla Sentry Mode Working Explained

Now, let’s see how exactly the Sentry mode works. Tesla cars have cameras inbuilt into them. These cameras are powerful enough to capture everything that happens around the car.

When a user enables the Sentry mode, the car will now enter a standby state. Now, the cameras can monitor and detect if ay potential harm may happen to the car. If someone comes too close to the car and leans on it, then the Standby State changes into “Alert” state.

At the same time, a message will display on the instrument console saying the cameras are recording everything. Again, if a higher level of threat is detected, the sentry mode will activate the “Alarm” state. This will activate the car alarm.

When the car enters the Alarm state, the brightness of the center display will increase. Also, the audio system will play music automatically at a maximum volume. At the same time, the users will get a notification on their tesla App that some incident has occurred.

In the meantime, the cameras will record everything that happens around the car. The car owner can see the video footage. They can download the video footage to a  formatted USB drive. Tesla mentions the USB drive should be more than 8GB. All the user has to do is insert the USB drive into the car before enabling the sentry mode. The footage will store in the USB drive.

Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates the working of Tesla Sentry Mode.[courtesy-Alex venz]

How to Enable Sentry Mode in Tesla?

Now, let’s see how we can enable the Sentry Mode on any Tesla car.

To enable it go to Controls > Safety & Security > Sentry Mode.

There have been many such incidents where miscreants would try to break-in to a tesla. However, they do get caught all thanks to the Tesla Sentry Mode. So, this was detailed information on how the pioneer of electric cars makes use of modern-day technology to ensure the security of its machines. Stay tuned with EvLens more valuable information on electric vehicles.