The electric vehicle movement in India is catching up really fast. Everyone starting from the public to the government are curious about sustainable vehicles. Speaking of which, the Indian Army will now use Mahindra e-verito in its official fleet. as of now, It will use 10 EVs. Later it will add more vehicles. This is a joint initiative by the Indian army and the Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL).

The bureaucrats in Delhi will make use of the Mahindra e-veritos. The automaker will provide the EVs to the EESL. Delhi has recently been on news for its rising pollution threat. So, introducing electric vehicles in the city will influence the public to shift towards it. Collectively, the aim is to reduce carbon emission in the environment.

Recently, the GST council cut down the tax rate on electric vehicles. As per the new rules, 5% of GST will be levied on EVs instead of 12%. The tax rates for electric vehicle charging equipment have also come down. Due to slash in GST, prices of the eco-friendly vehicles in India have come down significantly. The new rates are in effect from the 1st of August. So, it is spreading a positive impact on the EV makers, public and government alike.

We hope that more state governments in india will switch to electric vehicles in the coming days.