Did you ever hear of a car using moss as air filter.? Well, Sono Sion, the electric car, which runs on solar energy implements this technique.

Recently, the interior of this car has been revealed. You can see moss is present on the dashboard. According to the German automaker Sono, this system is called breSono.

Sono Sion

The moss goes through a special process. So, it is not alive. However, it can efficiently filter out particulate matter. It can also regulate the humidity. This moss can work for a few years. Later the user can renew it. Sono integrates solar cells into the Sion. These cells can provide enough energy to cover 30 km every day. Overall Sono Sion offers a range of 250km/per charge.

The interior is quite simple and feels minimalistic. The driver controls the car from the front mount instrument cluster. We expect the car can accommodate 4 to 5 people.

Back in March this year, the production version of Sono Sion was revealed. It will cost €16,000 which approximates to US$18,000. However, the battery pack will be available at an additional cost. Also, the buyers can pay a monthly fee for the battery. As per Sono, the cost of the battery pack may be €9500. This may further raise the cost price of the car.